We've posted the last portion of our podcast interview with Adam Steen of 25 Connections.
Adam graciously gave quite a bit of his time to this interview and we thank him again.
We've posted the last portion of our podcast interview with Adam Steen of 25 Connections.
Adam graciously gave quite a bit of his time to this interview and we thank him again.
Lately, I've become one of those guys that says, "I've been so busy...I haven't had much time to post". The more accurate statement would be, "Man, I haven't had that "cerebral downtime to read, digest and develop thoughts on writing blogs outside of our work at create WOW media."
Really. Do you ever find yourself:
So that's me lately. I know the work life balance crowd is probably concerned for my safety...but don't fear. Sometimes you just have to tilt the balance pendulum well into the red zone on one end or the other to make great things happen.
Having a supportive wife and kids, a good personal trainer, and the self awareness and understanding of what's happening and that it must swing back someday...are the most important factors in the work-life-balance equation.
I posted the details and more elaborate description of the chat I'm doing tonight on the createWOWmedia blog...here's the link.
I hope you can join us at 6000 Grand at 6PM.
The great conversation about networking and entrepreneurship with Adam Steen of 25 Connections continues...inside the createWOWmedia podcast studios...
Yours truly will be giving a talk for the New Iowa Entrepreneurs Coalition Meet Up Group next Wednesday, November 19th at 6PM. Click here for full details and to RSVP and/or Join this meet up group.
Description of the talk is below. I hope to see you there meeting, interacting, and building relationships with other progressive Iowa entrepreneurs.
HELP!!! - My Business is Invisible
Increasing Your Internet “Findability” Factor
6:00 PM - Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ask 100 people, "What's the first place you look to find a business or information on a business?" and 98 will say Google. Yet phone book ads, glossy brochures, and static "cobweb" sites still make up the bulk of many small and medium sized company marketing budgets. Break out of the old routine and hear some low cost - high impact organic Internet marketing strategies that will give your firm a fighting chance online. Doug Mitchell, Founder of createWOWmedia (www.createwowmedia.com) will show you how to increase your Internet Findability Factor and amplify your online brand with a focus on web video and multimedia.
6000 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50312
Come and learn with me through the robust QA that I KNOW will break out. If you're already "in the know" or a super web traffic findability guru...please come and share your knowledge with the crowd through the QA and interaction.
Last night I attended a talk given by Tom Steen over at Bank Iowa. (notice the feedback in the right column if you click into that site link...it's excellent!)
During our self-intros around the room, someone mentioned the possibility of franchising their business. From the tone and big exhale when it was mentioned, I could tell that the concept of franchising...while exciting and invigorating...was also a nightmare of what-ifs.
I sought this person out afterward intentionally to refer her to my attorney and franchise specialist Rush Nigut. Rush's expertise in this area is undeniable and documented.
I told her I knew the right one for the job, she said, "Oh wow you're about the 6th person in the last few months who's referred me to him...wow!" (nice work Rush)
There were other attorney's in the meeting. I overheard them approach her as well with referrals to lawyers in MN, etc. While I'm sure those attorneys are excellent, she said, "You know I already have someone right here in Des Moines who's widely recommended."
That's the POWER of relationships that spawn referrals during networking events.
(She's never met Rush by the way...but I bet she feels like she has)
I had a great time teaching Blogging for Business in Des Moines. We had a wonderful class filled with robust QA and fantastic people. Our last class was held at Mars Cafe on University where we had wifi drinks, and a much cooler environment to conduct class.
A special thanks to Rush Nigut for stopping by and impressing the class with his #1 business blog talk and pointers for our newly indoctrinated students.
It was a pleasure and privilege to teach the class. It was very pleasing to hear those "aha moments" and some oohs and ahhs :)
We can probably lobby for a 201 level course or simply make this one longer if we build some momentum.
The create WOW media team crafted a nice promo/recap video of the Ignite Des Moines event hosted by Daniel Shipton at Impromptu Studio in Des Moines.
Image via WikipediaI've been commenting to my wife that it seems everyone has discovered Facebook...in the last 90 days. In that time, no less than 30 people have "found me" there. People from high school are crawling out of the woodwork and connecting. My wife has been on for a while but she's experiencing the same thing. I brought this topic up in my Blogging Class and people started snickering that it's true for them too.
Is this massive Facebook land rush happening in my world alone? Are there others out there who are being deluged by friends and other random people they've not heard from in years?
I'm really blown away by this. It makes me wonder if those "find your classmates" reunion sites are headed out of business due to this "insta-connect" Facebook world.
I've started using it more lately due to this pull effect. By default having to log in and confirm/deny connections has made me more aware of what Facebook is offering these days.
In fact, I found out some friends were engaged first....before anyone else...since I was in Facebook and saw that they'd changed status. I'm always the last to know (pay attention) to these things.
It felt kinda good to be in the know. Thanks Facebook.
I look forward to connecting with more of you all soon.
We just released part I of my Podcast interview with Adam Steen of 25 Connections. We got together to discuss the power of networking and relationships and what that means in our current economy.
Adam is in the business of connecting people but he's not just a slick networking guru. Adam believes in the kind of networking that uncovers hidden business opportunities and matches resources...with opportunity.
Take a listen and subscribe to our createWOWmedia feed to get all of the future pieces of the interview as well as some other great ideas on how to leverage multimedia in your business.
Click here to visit the post and listen to the podcast.
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