I've been trying to use the Flash Video Player plugin for WordPress for months now. Every time I configured it and read through it's technical requirements I seemed dead on. But the video file would ALWAYS take forever to load. The symptom could best be described as "The entire video downloaded before it would play no matter the buffer settings". This became very frustrating. So I looked at all of the options again yesterday and began playing around with video formats. if you're like me you work in a mac and end up with .m4v or .mov end products that need to be converted. The Flash Video Player plugin says it DOES work with the newer flash format .F4V (vs. the usual .FLV that you've seen). Herein lies the problem. Maybe the plugin does work with the .F4V format but not in the way you'd want it to. Perhaps someone can point out what else I'm doing wrong...but the .F4V flash file format does load the entire video (so in my case with 12mb download speed a massive video can still take a long time). So going to the .FLV output file and using Amazon Cloud Front distribution I'm getting instant load /start times. I've been seeing the entire movie buffer in the first 2 minutes of a 44 minute movie with this configuration. Some of you might say, "Well duh....FLV is the standard for FLASH Doug" and I agree. But my first choice conversion software gave me this "newer" version/option and I thought it produce higher quality output...and the plugin says it "works". So at least in my case the plugin does "work" with this format...but it's nowhere near what's required to actually watch a video.I know this will be meaningless to most...but someone out there may be having the same issue.
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