I have an intern doing some great work for me. He's a sophomore in college at Iowa State. We had a frank discussion about what business is "really like" out there and what's possible these days. He's seen the inside of big corporate. Now he's seeing the gritty trench warfare that we engage in daily. Phone ringing. 30+ websites. Team members executing web strategy for small businesses and political clients. We're running at least 2 full time operations for ourselves here and we're the marketing arm for many others. This boggles big corporate. But we can do it because of technology and leverage. Build online courses in how to leverage new media once. Use many times in multiple verticals. Use project management software to keep tasks and due dates clear for 20+ active projects. Use instant messenger to have real time chats on execution. Use skype video chats and google wave to collaborate in real time regardless of geography. Record Internet Business Podcast - Managing the Edge, a political technology podcast, and plan for an upcoming 6 episodes of BizTactical at Entrefest in February. When I take a breath and examine what we can do today using technology to gain leverage and replicate ourselves via content outposts and markets online...sometimes I can't believe it. Back to the trenches for your typical day in the Matrix.
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