I don't often dive into politics on my blog. Probably won't for some time now. I just want to make an observation or two.
- I'm pretty darn conservative but I get along smashingly with my ultra lib (typically Democrat) friends. They think I'm an anomaly among Conservatives. Yet most conservatives I meet are similar to me. Not right wing talking heads going down the list of recycled issues...rather critically taking on each issue and each party and giving credit where credit is due. Someone commented to me yesterday that "You're one of the few people I can disagree with vehemently and still get along with." That's just a bit odd to me. I get it...but why is this? My only guess is that "conservatives" that they see and hear are the pundits and eleventy year old Senators on talk radio and on TV. We grass roots types are quite affable, approachable, and likable.
- Over the last XX years, I think most Republicans would say that the party is a bit lost. Spending on both sides has been akin to the rush to the bar on payday Friday. That tax/spend vs. no tax/fiscal responsibility has lost its weight. Perhaps Obama's Presidency will give that back to the Republicans but my sense is that with all of the "crises" facing our great nation, we won't have the clear thought to figure it out.
- I read somewhere that historically, although the left is considered "tax and spend" and the right is "cut taxes and cut spending", the opposite has been true. Apparently Dems talk about it constantly but can't execute on their plans. Republicans are against it, but outspend their counterparts. Interesting. I've not seen the actual numbers or the report, but my gut says true.
- I paid attention to quite a few talk shows and comments yesterday and I'm just not pleased when people tear down an inauguration speech as lots of fluff and pomp and dreaminess. What the heck do you think those speeches are meant for? Of course President's have to prove themselves and walk the talk, etc. But it would be nice to put that on hold for perhaps 24 hours. Maybe THAT's WHY the left gets upset at the right. But let's flashback to Bush's inaugural, remember the exact same thing happened but with extra doses of venom due to the "theft" of the election. (Even though ALL forensic recounts showed the same result, etc.) Can we call our parties even please?
Let's just soak up the fact that we have crossed a major point in the history of this nation and let's start to think more critically about the next 8 years and how we can recapture some of the magic of what it means to be an American.
Some number of years ago, my mentor laid out for me the concept of your "Vital Few Objectives." Every CEO or business leader typically has a laundry list of 10-100 things they intend to accomplish over the next quarter/year/term, etc. My mentor told me, "Doug, no matter how grandiose your intentions, at best you'll probably be able to execute on 2 or 3 of your list, so spend the time to hone that list down to your Vital Few Objectives or (VFO's). Doing that will ensure that you make a massive positive impact without overloading the circuits."
I think one of our President's VFO's is "Showing humanity that anyone, anywhere, regardless of background can ascend to positions of wealth, power, and responsibility while cultivating a grounded family. " He's already well on his way to executing on this VFO. Now what are the others going to be? I'm anxious to see what develops.
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