Another great class. The QA continues to be the most valuable piece of the puzzle in our 2 hours together. I show some material, relate it to reality and practical examples...and the flood gates open. Good stuff.
Our last class is going to be held at the Mars Cafe on University...east of 42nd if anyone is interested in hanging out with us. We have the stage area reserved and will have projector/screen on hand. Thanks to Cory Garrison for coming out to provide his take on blogging/social media for the class coming up too.
Our class will be a "free form" class with no prepared material. I got permission from the class to actually dive in and just type type type. We may even come away with a "hooked up blog" that night.
If you're interested in taking the class somewhere down the road, West Des Moines will be offering the class again in February in a compressed 2 week format (4 total hours of class time). That format will take some dedication/modification/revision but I think it will get more people to say yes and get exposed to blogging for business.
Hope to see you at the Mars cafe for great conversation...and a couple of malt elixirs.
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