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The decision seems to have been made to move the HyVee Triathlon to West Des Moines permanently. Although it's not "final" according to some reports, the decision has caused some controversy.
Article in DSM Register.
Gray's Lake, the original swim venue is certainly more susceptible to flooding earlier than Blue Heron Lake at Raccoon River Park (this year's alternate location). However, I do think some of the ambiance of running and spinning through the streets of downtown Des Moines is lost.
This year was my first year so I don't know what I'm missing yet, but I'd like to see planners make decisions on factors other than a massive flood that many are calling the "500 year flood." Of course 1993 was the "100 year flood" so within 15 years we've taken care of 600 years worth of calamity :)
I've just accepted the role as "The swimmer" for a sprint tri relay team in 3 weeks. That means 500 meters in a lake, then sit around and wait for the team. I'm using this as a short term goal to cut weight and train like Michael Phelps (or maybe like his 3rd cousin James "Lefty" Phelps who tried out for the local Y swim team but was kicked off for hitting another kid when the boy inadvertently knocked Lefty's smoke from his hand and into the pool. Lefty was quoted as saying, "Dude...my smoke!)
That's completely false by the way.
I guess we can call you John McClane...
Posted by: Tom | August 19, 2008 at 06:08 PM