Have you ever created a beautiful audio track or podcast in Garage Band, (ver 4.1.2) only to not be able to export it to mp3? I did everything right. I of course found the menu, selected export to disk, chose my settings, and hit export. Only problem was the file NEVER appeared. After about 20 attempts and believing for certain that I had some larger issue and searching the cloud...I found someone with same problem.
Turns out, Garage Band doesn't like long file names. A quick rename was all it took and I was back in business. Unreal. If you suffer this problem as a new Mac/Garage Band user and have found this post, I take checks and/or PayPal for that hour of productivity I just saved you. It was my pleasure. I'll use the funds to get hair plugs and Grecian Formula.
On another note, I love my shiny new iMac. The keyboard alone seems gloriously pleasant.
Congrats on the new Mac. Welcome back from RAGBRAI.
Posted by: Claire | July 29, 2008 at 03:22 PM
hey thanks this helped e out a lot!!
Posted by: h-dizzle | September 28, 2008 at 10:23 PM
Thanks, this problem was tripping up our class!
Posted by: Kenneth | December 04, 2008 at 12:47 PM