I just finished up the book The Home Office From Hell Cure: Transform Your Underperforming, Time-Sucking Homebased Business into a Runaway Success by Jeff Landers.
It's probably more accurate to say that I'm "working through the book" since it's not really a "read, absorb, put away" business book. Rather the book is a road map, guidebook, and step-by-step plan to help the home office worker breakthrough to the next level...whatever that may be. And herein lies the real strength of the book.
Landers divides the book into distinct sections. The first is geared toward those who'd like to be a "Growth Maven", i.e. the kid of entrepreneur that wants to conquer the world, grow big, and be profiled on CNBC. The second is geared towards "Lifestyle Gurus", i.e. those preferring to create a business of a scale that provides good income and the flexibility to spend more time doing things that please the business owner.
Many of Landers's suggestions are fantastic and I was pleased to see that I'm already deploying some of his sage advice. Whether you are going for the fences or comfortable with singles and doubles...Landers encourages the entrepreneur to become a "Nexpert" or Niche Expert.
Landers lays out a very clear strategic plan to develop the reputation of expert in a niche. He encourages the business owner to write articles, get them published, participate in interviews, speak publicly, and be visible. He acknowledges that in the short term, many of these strategies don't immediately pay off...rather they build a base of interest in your business along with interested, targeted, potential clients.
The book is chalk full of other tips and advice on setting up your business for success and pitfalls to avoid (namely the dreaded long term lease). Landers is a big proponent of outsourcing tasks that are time sucks as well. If you earn $150/hour doing your work...that's what your effectively paying to do your own accounting, etc. Agreed. Tim Ferriss at the 4 Hour Work Week would agree too.
Since I know many of your are home based solo-preneurs that read this blog, I'd highly recommend you pick up a copy and begin working through some of the strategies.
Here's a podcast Jeff did with Wayne Hurlbert that really dives into the content of the book too.
There's also a Ning Community built around the book that I've joined.
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