Wow. The journey that began in October is almost upon us. Today marks the beginning of my "final push" to be ready for the Olympic Distance "race". This more a test of survival and proving to myself that I can do it. vs. trying to place. happening.
I've started a 4 week intensive 3x per week weight training regimen over at Nutri-Sport to really lean out the ol' bod before I have to wear the tightest clothes known to man. (Variants of these clothes do make other appearances at the Iowa State Fair later this summer...some call them tube tops or "stretch pants that have no choice")
I'm currently sitting at 15.9% body fat and about 222lbs. Yes there's NO rounding up in the body fat game...and I'm shooting for 12% by June 22. A tall order perhaps but I've shown good response when I match diet up while confusing my metabolism with varying workout styles/intensity.
The HyVee Tri's 1.5k swim will probably take me somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 minutes. The 40k bike ride will probably be executed in about 1.5 hours. The 10k run will take me at least 60 minutes but I'm hoping I'll have a little adrenaline left for a push to the finish. (I'm a pretty slow runner typically doing 10 minute miles).
I think what I've enjoyed most about this journey is coming up as the 4th entry on the Google Results when searching for "HyVee Triathlon" just under their own site (I have to have goals right?). Wait a minute...
No no. What I've enjoyed most is setting a long term physical goal and taking the necessary steps to achieve it. There have been bumps here and there but I should probably take a week or two to eat a lot of cheese and think about how far I've come when this is over. My family can probably rest easy that I'll not be choosing a sport that requires this much mojo again.
I'm starting to think that Kick-boxing might be the ticket. I've probably been watching too much Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) on HDNET. Watch out Brett...I'm comin' for ya. Only question now is what weight class to fit into and how to explain these strange injuries to my insurance company.
I get tired even pronouncing the word triathlon (moment for a deep breath). Very impressive, Doug. I'll eat a bag of chips to commemorate the event ;-)
Posted by: Will Herman | May 12, 2008 at 04:50 PM