Are you using Podcasting in your marketing mix? eMarketer predicts solid growth in Podcasting as a medium.
eMarketer estimates that the total US podcast audience reached 18.5 million in 2007. Furthermore, that audience will increase by 251% to 65 million in 2012. And of those listeners, 25 million will be “active” users who tune in at least once a week.
I'm leveraging Podcasts on the RentalMetrics site and in its Independent Learning Environment consulting portal. We're trying to deliver our message in unique and sticky ways that support our brand. We're also big believers that content isn't always an 8AM-5PM product. Podcasting delivers content on your clients time frame...not yours. We think that's good.
Here's our latest "RedMeat" podcast from RentalMetrics below. We're exploring new Podcast hosting/streaming methods as well. Today we used Podbean.
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