I watched the dem debate last night and it further solidified Obama's position as leader in the race. Obama is not so concerned with being "right"...rather he is willing to "Concede and diffuse". Hillary had a lot of things planned out in that debate: key comebacks, stinging humor, one liners, etc. She only tried a few. Obama seems to move along and doesn't seem to do the, "Half way answer the question but use it as a segue into your scathing attack point". What was that, "You always ask me the first question" complaint about???
Hillary is much more accomplished at "Typical Left vs. Right" debating, but Obama is simply diffusing that skill. She knows that if she gets "mean and really tough" she'll be done for. Her tough comes off as Clintonian finger pointing. No it's not because she's a woman and tough women automatically get labeled as....well you know. It's because she represents everything we've had in the White House for the last XX years. Obama comes off as a bridge builder and one who wishes to do good...vs. be right.
In the debate postmortem last night...even Chris Matthews was slapping Hillary around. If HE is doing that without making excuses for HRC...then Mr. Obama...you are looking good.
Oh...and McCain was somewhere talking about how conservative he is.
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