With about 6 months left until the HyVee Triathlon, training has kicked into high gear. We're up to 3000 meters per workout, 3x per week (that's about 1.5 hours and nearly 2 miles in the pool each time). Additionally, each time we do that, we're doing 4 miles on treadmill and/or elliptical.
I've trying to get down to my "fighting weight" but have been struggling. I'm down to 222 but really need to be at 200 to make life easier on my knees. When I restrict carbs a bit to encourage weight loss...by day 3 I'm cold all day and have no energy. Essentially I feel like I have the flu. Bad move. I spend the next 2 days eating everything I can find in the house and ultimately, I feel better.
Obviously I'm depleting my energy stores and not supporting my fuel needs on the carb end of things. So you ask...how can you loose weight, build or maintain muscle mass, stay energized, and be at peak performance?
Well...the answer is well beyond me other the normal research I've done through the years (don't eat bad carbs...eat lean protein...no refined sugars, etc). So, like I do with many things these days where I lack, I've "insourced" my nutritional guidance to Ryan at Nutri-Sport. The store is located just off Swanson and 100th just south of Hickman. Ryan was recommended by triathlon trainer Chad Marchant.
Ryan welcomed me into the store...spent 30 minutes with me running through my situation and guiding my optimum nutrition for my workout days. We're not talking meal plan stuff although I'm pretty certain he can do that for you. Ryan is a competitive body builder so he lives and breaths his business. Nutri-Sport offers personal training also.
Ryan didn't try to load me up with the junk that the kids at GNC typically try to pimp and I really appreciate that. I spent about $30 on stuff today so at 30 minutes...Ryan hasn't made a dime off me yet. But what he did today was inspire me to write this post and recommend that you use him for any nutritional needs you may have. He had no idea (like most people :) that I write this blog or connect with quite a few people in the Iowa metro.
So without hesitation, I'd recommend Ryan at Nutri-Sport for your sports (or couch potato) needs. Tell him "Doug Mitchell" sent you. Only 158 days remaining until I test my metal. See you at Gray's Lake.
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