Fast forward to November. If the mainstream media juggernaut continues to pump McCain as the likely nominee for President and the red faced Clintonian Empire points one too many fingers...we'll elect our Nation's first black President.
I'm fairly confident in saying that the margin of victory for Barack Obama on election night will be buoyed by a 6%-8% Republican defection to his side. I, among many of my close friends and colleagues will likely be counted in that margin...preferring the social and cultural revolution of an Obama victory to the disappointment of a donkey wrapped in an elephant's clothes. I'm very excited about what Obama's Presidency will represent for our nation.
We will become our country's first "Obamicans"?
Like the Reagan Democrats, Obamicans will account for his two term Presidential victories and legislative success rate.
The ascendancy of a young black man to the most powerful role in the world will shift the dynamic of our nation forever. It will end the reign of "Black community representation" by the divisive class warfare mongers so prevalent today. High ranking cabinet position seekers will be snubbed.
In that moment, we'll turn a page in our short history as a nation. Whatever cronyism expected by the usual suspects will be met with Presidential prestige. Denial will extinguish the group's power in an instant. New dialogs and social norms will emerge. The battle cry will shift to "It's up to us!" versus "It's their fault."
A successful, articulate, and educated black man will lead this country to new heights, new levels of personal responsibility, and equality. I'm excited for what our nation will become. Are more of us yearning for positive social disruption than are listening to the same old political rhetoric by the suits? I think so.
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