Mediacom just keeps entering my life.
- They came to disconnect the cable from my street or whatever they do. The guy was very pleasant. He handed me a photocopied flier like something out of a high school ASB campaign offering me a deal if I came back. I crumbled it in front of him with a smile.
- I forgot to turn off my "auto-pay" feature in my banking software. Oops. They have more of my money. When asked about a refund, "It will be 10-12 weeks". I wonder if I can get free cable and not pay my bill for that long?
- Despite my confirmations 3X with the guy at the counter that I was all clear and fully free from Mediacom, account closed, etc., they called me again yesterday asking for a missing "modem from when they swapped out the standard one for the VOIP one 2 years ago. "So I'm totally clear right?" "Yes sir". Great. If I get a $150 ding for a $29 modem that they've misplaced.....
Here come da pain!
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