The last two days have peaked out at about 110 degrees out here in the "Inland Empire" of CA. Lately there's been a 40 degree differential between the beach and the inland areas where we used to live.
Here's the Top 10 list direct from the home office in Corona, CA:
- The question, "How far is it from here?" in Iowa elicits an answer with "miles" in it. In CA, it's "minutes" because there's absolutely no direct correlation in CA between the two.
- In CA, pork is mostly served as Carnitas in mexican restaurants.
- When it reaches 109 degrees, the people here even stop saying, "Yeah but it's a dry heat".
- Thunderstorms here (there have been some while we've been here) are still a novelty item.
- Golfers in CA and IA are the same. We played when it was 110 in the shade out here...and in Iowa, we've played through downpours. Golf rules.
- Trader Joes still absolutely ROCKS. I'm going back today to procure more inexpensive cases of vino for the man cave wine keller. Please get us on the radar for a store in Des Moines Trader Joes Management. I think the closest currently may be Chicago.
- Mexican food restaurants and markets here have an exponential advantage over what we still have in Iowa. With a growing population of Mexican/Central/South Americans entering Iowa, perhaps this will change.
- Ahhh the breakfast burrito. Never have I encountered one better than at Farmer Boys here in CA. I think if I could replicate that taste and put a little burrito cart in front of the Principal Tower in downtown DSM...I'd increase the business for dry cleaners everywhere and grab a few hundy a day in profits.
- Note to Iowa: Good salsa doesn't come in a jar.
- Note to California: Is it really worth multiple hours per day in traffic gridlock to avoid having 4 seasons? Based on the numbers...I guess so.
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