Browsing the Costco isles the other day, I came across something that made me do a double take...then smile ear to ear. It was canned beef. Now we're not talking some kind of processed ultra fat mystery meat here. We're talking 97% fat free a tuna fish. The can provides 36 grams of protein with 4 grams of fat, tastes delicious, and provides a quick source of red meat when you don't want to cook.
Hence, I have created and now claim rights to..."The Beef Salad Sandwich".
1 can beef
1 chopped pickle
chopped red onion to taste
chopped tomato to taste
a sprinkle of my SPOG (salt.pepper.onion powder.garlic powder) blend.
a sprinkle of any cheese of your choosing
a tablespoon of whatever dressing you want (mayo, mustard, ranch, blue cheese, etc.)
(i added in some cooked navy beans to add in protein laden slow burn carbs
Mix in a bowl, dump in anything else you like and eat with a micro-brewed beer (instead of eating the bread)
You Rock!
Being from England, I am always on the lookout for "English style foods". With your discovery, I can now make sandwiches with beef that once upon a time actually saw a cow! :)
Posted by: Nigel Chapman | August 16, 2007 at 02:57 PM