Here's the jist of the deal:
MASON CITY, Iowa, July 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A visionary, first-in-the-nation program invites entrepreneurs to start their business in Iowa. The North Central Iowa Alliance (NCIA) will pay for health insurance for startup business owners, removing a major roadblock for people who want to start their own business.
The piece goes on to explain the program in more depth.
This is quite cool considering an "affordable" health care arrangement for a family of 4 seems to be over $800/mo if you buy it yourself. That's about $12k/year required just to fund this basic requirement. That is quite an impediment to startups looking to bootstrap.
Good work North Central Iowa!
Great story!!! Help this story spread, go digg it on
Here's the direct link:
Posted by: Bryan | July 13, 2007 at 10:22 AM
Great story!
Just recently started reading your stuff, and I'm really enjoying your articles. Thanks!
Posted by: Small Town Entrepreneur Becky McCray | July 15, 2007 at 02:55 PM