Day 3 was "light" by the previous days' standards. At 56 miles, this final trek into Bellevue, IA was pretty short. We had some pretty killer hill climbs this day...and there was fallout everywhere (people off the bikes and walking). I powered through the burn and stood up and climbed the hills...pumping the pedals hard. I was proud of my performance. For a moment in my delusion of endorphines...I felt like part of the Tour de France.
This was the day our group met the Mighty Mississippi River! After our beautiful wives welcomed us into town, we packed up and started the 3.5 hour drive home.
The ride was great. I got to spend time with friends and get to know Gerard's very serious better half. I must say that our host family on the last evening deserves major kudos for hanging out with us, having a few beverages, and making us feel like we were at home. I slept much better without trains, headlights from other teams, torrential down pours, and odd host family behaviors (no shower, bathroom only open between 8-5, etc.)
Hi, Doug -
Congrats on your three days on RAGBRAI. I'd like to make a comment here were probably doing those hills so well because it was only day 3 for you....not day 7 like the rest of us. I certainly would hope you'd do extremely well on them!! Actually, most of us 7 dayers did pretty good too...we saw the end was near and we were very ready to get there!!!
Over all - it was a pretty easy ride.....
Posted by: Georgie | July 31, 2007 at 10:08 PM