I've recently opened a new chapter in my cast iron cookery. I've begun placing small cast iron pans (think fajita serving oval sized) with a bit of olive oil on the grill for about 10 minutes. Then, with oil smoking, I plunge the plump red flesh (any cut will do) onto the skillet. This method achieves the "all over sear" from tip to tip, locking in the juices even better than a grill sear. Then, after both sides have been crisped up, I take the steaks off the pans and place them on the grill for their more traditional "light char" (grill marks, flavoring, etc.)
This last step removes any residual oil from the meat and further "bbq bakes" in the juicy goodness.
Steph had the butcher at HyVee cut us some 1.5 inch thick Amana Bone-In Rib Eyes last night and this cooking method of cooking was a hit.
The result with Costco top sirloin a few days ago elicited sentence fragments that sounded something like this: "Oh my.....mmmm....I can't believe the.....this is sooooo.....how did you....ohmy...mmmm" The meat was buttery and crisp on the outside with delicious juicyness on the inside.
I highly recommend this method.
I'm frequently asked what seasoning I use on my steaks. Many purists use only salt and pepper. Upgrading the salt and pepper you use with some gourmet options can really elevate your cooking. However, I use a blend that I learned how to make by the bucket full while working at Village Meats during high school. It's called S.P.O.G. (Salt, Pepper, Onion, Garlic) The later two elements are powder, not their salty varieties. The ratio is something that I've played with and don't really remember (I literally made it by the 5 gallon bucket at a time so translating that down to a large spice container from Costco sized batch is a guess.
If you were to fill a drinking glass full of the ingredients, I'd start with 50% salt, and then break up the remaining room in the glass with each of the remaining ingredients. Mix well, and sample. You may desire more pepper or more of a particular element so go for it. This simple concoction brings out the best in your meats without covering up any of the true flavors within.
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