Well, after a 2 week absence due to business travel, I returned to week 9 of my voice class. We were coached in real time on real spots by a real producer. Very real man.
I finally figured out that I'm holding back and not unleashing the inner voice guy I have inside. It "feels odd" to unleash him, we'll call him "Blog Donovan" for now because it would be too "over the top" or "announcer guy'ish"
Blog...or Mr. Donovan comes out in the car, in front of the kids (they promptly run while covering their ears), and in the shower. But I think I'm finally getting that in voice acting, that a bit of the over the top energy behind the mic is actually diluted by a factor when it comes out on the radio. Hum, did you get that? Let's formulize shall we:
Energy behind microphone X dilution factor of ~ .6 = true radio energy emitted. OK, adjust the factors professionals (aka Steve) but are you picking up what I'm laying down here? I get it OK...now I just need to execute on my actual voice demos coming up soon. As most of you know, I have no delusions of becoming movie announcer guy or the next Pixar animated voice over king, but I sure wouldn't mind doing a better job at speaking in general.
Learning is taking place and this feels good.
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