I just had a "get to know you" session with Steve Reese from Fitness Together in Clive.
We talked about everything from my fitness desires to blogging. The most interesting part of the session was when I began to describe my "emotional triggers" for food. (Steve seemed a little impressed)
I think most folks don't do a deep enough dive into themselves to figure this part out. Find out when you eat more and how your feeling when you do and you'll be well on your way to modifying the behavior. I'm not suggesting that I have solved the problem yet...rather that it's actually quite simpler than we make it.
Overcoming the problem for life is my goal. I've made strides over the last few months in making better choices with food more often and being more active with my family. However, you know there are a litany of excuses that enable me to remain under my maximum potential.
My triggers fire off subconsciously and the next thing I know, I'm gobbling down 3x the amount of food that I need to feel full. I'm not a "junk food junkie" but I am addicted to food. I'm not an "eat to feel better" person...but I associate eating a lot with pleasure, not with being fat or feeling bloated. Those are the items that I need coaching to change. Personal training is not cheap, but it's an area of life that I have determined needs fixing and that I have not been able to fix for about 15 years (when pant sizes began their annual incremental inch expansion). I'm all for paying for coaching to break through barriers that limit us.
Something tells me that Steve will be looking for the same coaching in his marketing efforts for Fitness Together. I let him know that I'd received his 3 letters introducing his services to me via mail. They were actually very effective direct mail pieces and I really wanted to respond. BUT...
Not one of those direct mail pieces had his email address on them. I'd have emailed him and potentially become a client 6 months earlier, but I did NOT want to pick up the phone and chat. I expected the "hard sell" gym type membership phone call. It turns out, that's not what would have happened as their approach is very consultative and partnership based...but my preferred method of communication was not available. Thus, it went to the circular file. I really considered calling him to tell him this back then but just didn't find the time.
A referral from a fellow blogger brought me to Steve. Now, after our chat this morning, I think Steve is thinking about his blogging goals while he's helping his clients attain their fitness goals.
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