These are night and day photos from my room in Atlanta at the Marriott Marquis downtown. I'm in the last stretch of this road trip and can't wait to get back home, even if it's been in single digit temps forever in Iowa. I always begin to feel a bit disconnected after a week and I start to crave "that which I know and love": The Panera crowd, blogging workshops, Bloganostra summit meetings, walking with my boy to pre-school, seeing our "family squirrel" (nicknamed Burger by my boy) romp from the front tree to the roof to the backyard where he torments my know the simple stuff.
The "busy-ness" level so far in 2007 (really began December 2006) is quite absurd but reaching critical mass in a few areas that will hopefully activate the relief valve soon. I'm experiencing a situation where it's very difficult to get deep into something and use creative brain power. Time constraints are forcing a skimming of the surface - mercenary type approach to business. During these times, it's helpful to have start up or small company experience on your side. Many that go through this blow up or crash because of sensory and task overload. However, a good sense of prioritizing your "high value targets" and setting clear expectations will get one through.
Anytime someone tells me they're at the end of their rope or just "in the red" I'm usually able to bring them back from the brink with some shared experience wisdom since, I've read this book before.
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