In typical Dan Brown fashion, I was at first interested, then excited, then totally hooked and to get to the next chapter of Digital Fortress to discover what twists and turns the tale would take. The jist of the story is that an "unbreakable code" has been developed that would literally halt the NSA's ability to cipher any code whatsoever. The code is developed by a guy with a grudge that wishes to put it on the open market. Then, many unlikely "scholarly" heroes are thrust into the plot to stop this from happening. Brown's heroes seem to always be the perfect blend of book smarts with enough street smarts to survive their fast paced adventures. It's a fantastic "airplane book" because chapters are short and the story is quite easy to follow. If anyone wants to borrow this book in the DSM Metro, just ask me.
There are much better written reviews on the Amazon site linked above...but you'll love this tale if you love Dan Brown's style and heros.
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