A few weeks back, after asking friends and associates where to get a "caricature" type logo made for my dad, I was provided with Iconizeme.com by Sandy over at Purple Wren. I was looking to get an affordable logo built for my dads blog CarniceroLOCO.com that's "Crazy Butcher" in Spanish in case you didn't know. My dad is many things including a philosopher, cool dude, and artist of the animal flesh out at Dutch Creek Foods in Sugarcreek, Ohio.
I am so pleased with how things turned out...and the entire deal was less than $100. I received the following items for that fee:
1) Icon (for both Mac OS X and Windows XP Operating systems).
2) PDF vector based file, that you may resize anyway you want without any quality loss.
3) A high resolution jpeg file.
4) An avatar. A transparent gif file 128 pixels in height.
5) Transfer of all rights. Which means that this unique one of kind artwork is yours to use any way you see fit. We will only use it for display purposes in our samples area.
My artist was Jose Ramos and he did a GREAT Job. He captured my thoughts and description expertly in his caricature. I hope you agree and I highly recommend his work.
These pics:
Became this:
These pics:

Became this:

Love you dad.
WOW - this is great! It turned out really well. Just what you were describing. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Sandra Renshaw | November 26, 2006 at 06:05 PM
I'd also suggest the similar (but cheaper) service: https://www.profilepicasso.com
Posted by: Jon Collier | November 16, 2007 at 03:31 PM