Jennifer and her "New Charm School" blog continues to fill us in on her transition to fully independent non-coastal dweller! She's ditched the full-time paycheck and living La Vida Loca in Texas. Awesome. I think Jennifer and I are competing for top spot in Technorati for the Geographic Arbitrage tag...and that's about ALL I can say we're competing on...because she promptly kicks my blogging rear in everything else. Watch out Ms. Warwick...I'm gunning for a sub 75 ranking soon :)
LOL - thanks for the shout out...and for your generous and supportive comments through my move. We are still unpacking, but the good news so far is that everything we've unpacked is ours :-)
Next stop: how hard is it to make friends in a new town after 40? We have no kids, so meeting other parents at play dates and the PTA is out; and we both work from home, so no automatic coffee-break buddies. I'll keep you posted!
Posted by: Jennifer | November 09, 2006 at 04:48 PM